The Ladies' Section was formed in the 1920s and information from an early brochure of the club reported that the subscription was only 10 shillings (50p). Ladies were not required to pay an entrance fee, so gallant were the pioneers of golf in Tamworth. Whole families were admitted for the lavish sum of 30 shillings (£1.50) inclusive.
Over the years the section has grown and now has over 80 members with the majority of these playing on a regular basis. Ladies mainly play on Wednesday mornings or at the weekend for those who work. The section has a wide variety of playing handicaps and ages, but be assured you will always receive a friendly welcome and new members are quickly taken into the fold.
Drayton Park Ladies have gained much recognition over the years and have also represented the County at all levels; Junior, Ladies and Veteran, some of whom went on to Captain their particular level.
During the year a mixed range of competitions take place as well as Trophy and Honours Board competitions, with the oldest, the Olver Cup, having been presented initially in 1927. Additionally the section play in 2 scratch leagues and have recently been promoted to the 2nd Division of the Staffordshire County Scratch League and have high hopes of being promoted further in the years to come.
They also play in the County inter-club matches for Bronze and Silver division players, Mail on Sunday and the Daily Mail Foursomes national knockout tournament. In 2011 Julia Gaunt (handicap 3) and Lynn Gray (handicap 11) represented the Club in the National Daily Mail Foursomes. After beating seven teams during the summer they won through to the Matchplay Finals. The ladies were one of 16 pairs from an initial 1,629 entrants through to the Finals, hosted by the Daily Mail group at Dalmahoy Golf & Country Club in Scotland. The event was held over three days in very blustery wet October conditions. The girls did remarkably well but lost in the final.
During the main playing season a series of friendly matches take place annually against local clubs both at home and away, followed by a light meal. These matches although played in a very friendly manner are none the less competitive.
Annually the Ladies section arranges three open Ladies competitions and three mixed competitions, which are always well attended. Details of these can be found under the Open Competitions tab.
The section has an active social side; the highlights of the year being Lady Captain's day in July, an away day playing at another Golf Club in August and the December Ladies Christmas party.
The competitions and events are organised by a committee of 11 members. The committee is elected at the AGM which takes place annually in November.
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